QHSE Policy

QHSE Policy

Primox Industries is, Committed to

its QHSE Management System to provide highest level of quality products and services to its clients in supply of valves, actuators and associated accessories, which is the integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

It is our priority to encourage our customers, suppliers and all business associates to do the same in order to improve our commercial performance and leave a legacy to future generations.

about primox

To achieve these goals, we are committed to

  • Identify and evaluate all the HSE hazards/Aspects and ensure management of those risk to reduce their impact to acceptable level.
  • Promote intolerance to conditions and behaviors that contribute to incidents and injuries.
  • Set monitor and review QHSE targets and objectives; measure results, assess and continually improve processes through the use of an effective management system.
  • Minimize our impact on environment through pollution prevention, reduction of natural resource consumption.
about primox
  • Communicate openly with stakeholders and ensure an understanding of our QHSE policies, standards and performance.
  • Complying with all applicable local legal & other requirements in relation to QHSE to improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.
  • Providing Training to the employees and Implement the Effective participation and consultation of employees to improve OH&S system performance.
  • Systematically evaluating and monitoring the performance of the External Provider to ensure the Quality of service and Encourage environmental protection, Health and safety improvement among External Providers.

All staffs are responsible for implementing and maintaining this policy commitments in the organization. This QHSE policy shall be effectively communicated to all our staffs, visitors, interested parties and made available to the public.

Our QHSE Objectives are

  • Total Customer Satisfaction.
  • Ensure Effective Supply Chain Management.
  • Establish Proper Value Stream Across The Organization.
  • Improve Performance & Operational Efficiency of Primox Products & Service.
  • To Have Zero Safety Incidents in the Work Place & Zero Product recalls.
  • To Have Zero defect rating for Primox Product in Performance & Safety Perceptive.
  • To Achieve 100% of ON-Time deliveries.
  • To Enhance Human Resource Utilization by Implementing Result Oriented HR Practices.
  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Consideration of Environmental compatibility over the whole Life Cycle of the Products.
  • To Evolve as Responsible Industry Sector, Nurturing Human Values and Concepts for The Society and The Environment.
about primox

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